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  • 更新时间:2009-06-24 07:09:56
  • 发布人:宁波大剧院
  • 点击量:3581
  • 大卫雕像碑记

      大卫雕像,系意大利文艺复兴时期艺术大师、佛罗伦萨人米开朗基罗的代表作, 1501年至1504年创作于意大利佛罗伦萨,展现了“护城英雄”青年大卫健壮、俊朗的男性美,是正义战胜邪恶的象征,被奉为全世界最伟大的经典艺术品之一。是年,适逢宁波国际服装节十周年庆典佳期,仗佛罗伦萨马里奥•拉扎内利、西尔万诺•高力等先生和宁波有关人士积极推动,佛罗伦萨市政厅特向宁波市赠送由当地艺术家复制的大卫雕像一尊,这是该市市政厅首次对外赠送大卫复制雕像,以示宁波与佛罗伦萨友好往来之见证。



    The Statue of David

    Oct. 21st, 2006

     The Statue of David, esteemed as one of the greatest classical works of art in the world, is the masterpiece of the Florentine art master Michelangelo Buonarroti during the period of the Italian Renaissance. The original statue was made during the years 1501 to 1504 by Michelangelo, to show the world the manly beauty of young David, the city hero, symbol of the victory of the intelligence over the brute force. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Fashion Ningbo, the city of Florence donates a copy of the statue made by local artists to the city of Ningbo, to show the friendship between the two cities. The statue is here with the efforts of Florentines Mr. Mario Razzanelli and Mr. Silvano Gori and people of Ningbo, as well as Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze . The statue copy is the first to be donated abroad by the city of Florence.
     The statue is made of bronze, 1:1 copy to the original one, with a height of 5.17 meters.
     This inscription is written to memorize the big event. 

     Ningbo Municipal People’s Government

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